"There is nothing more beautiful than seeing beauty in almost everything. And that's what I want to express in life and in my artworks" 

Jeroen Hagenbeuk

My latest work

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"I fell in love with your work. Those artworks are something incredible. I would like to work with you..."

Martina Bassi - Graduated in Sciences of cultural heritage and Archaeology - Italian Art Curator at M.A.D.S. art gallery, Milano, Italia

"I think your art and overall aesthetic is pretty cool. If you wanna participate as an artist, let us know?"

Kaida Corpe - Curator at 'The East Village Art Collection', New York City, New York, United States of America

"Our membership committee was quite impressed with your artwork and résumé. You certainly represent the style of artwork we seek to promote through museum exhibitions, gallery shows and marketing articles"

Membership committee of the 'International Guild of Realism'. Scottsdale, Arizona, United States of America

Professional member of the 'International Guild of Realism'

(juried membership)

Journeyer member of the 'Pastel Guild of Europe'

(juried membership)

Member of the 'International Association of Pastel Societies'